Team Development
From a collection of department heads to a high functioning Exective Team
I do my best work with highly motivated teams who realize the current situation is not working as well as it could and who are open to exploring what changes are needed to get to the next level.
For me there is nothing more rewarding than seeing a team or individual member click into what new reality is possible by making an adjustment or two. The moment their eyes light up with possibility I know we have gotten somewhere good!
No team is the same, so tailoring our program is key to success. Our first step is to dive into what success looks like for you and your team and to develop the program from there. My programs and trainings are highly interactive and success is contingent on engaged participants who realize that you get out of it what you put in! The more day to day, real situations, team members bring into the room, the better the learning experience.
What a sample program could look like:
- Month 1: What is a high performing team and where are we?
- Month 2: Personality assessment
- Month 3: Effective Communication
- Month 4: Powerful Conversations
- Month 5: Accountability and Goalsetting
- Month 6: How to think like owner
Other sample areas of focus for your team development and training:
- Effective Communication
- Challenging Conversations
- Feedback & Accountability & Ownership
- Conflict Transformation
- Vision, Mission, Values Creation
- Company wide Goals & Objectives
- Strategic Plan Creation
- Team Building
- Meeting Effectiveness